Monday, February 14, 2011

Diary of Tani 1

It was -18 C this morning! It's about -10C now. Det är för kallt! It's way too cold in Sweden! Beshi thanda! Bohot zyada thand hain!

I am ready for spring to come!

At this point i am sipping hot tea and sitting by the window, wondering how lucky my friends are right now in Georgia. While they're wearing their shorts and t-shirts I am stuck here with those layered up clothes, boots, fat jacket, struggling to walk faster in the 12inch deep snow.

So moving on.. Since i am so obssesed with bollywood, i must mention the upcoming hindi movie, Patiala House, which should release in Stockholm in theaters this Sunday. I live in a family that has three huge fans of Akshay Kumar so I have no doubt saying we are going to the movies to see this.

I will probably cook fish curry with tomatoes and celantros tonight for dinner.

That's about all i can say for today.

Hope everyone has a wonderful Valentines day.

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